What is good about being hate? Just because being famous with bad rumors, is it? This closed minded person always thinks that they can be even stronger if being hatred by the others although sometimes the rumours are true and so true. I think this type of people is just being hypocrite and just want to cover their book with a nice and beautiful cover of the book itself.
They think that they can face this things, but what can the boys, girls as they are called town people can stand with all this rumors. Oh please man, just be you. Don't hypocrite.
No matter what you say on you status in your Facebook, Twitter, Myspace or whatsoever social networking your have, you still blame the others although it was your fault.
Just want to be perfect? Come on, nobody perfect man. We're not prophet.
You and your badmouthing that I have sick to hear it, just stood up, be yourself. I know, you keep says this word and even it is your boyfriend/girlfriend. Word "KIMAK" "CIBAI" "BODO" "LANCAU" and whatsoever.
Please, look at you, all people around you dislike you even your own classmates. Pity you. Think wiser and don't be childish you spoil brat! You have nothing on you but you tell the others that you're rich, have own car and blablabla. Until now, what can I see, you still there, at the same house with the same clothes that you frequently wear on with the same attitude. Where is your bungalow? HAHA!
You and your "speech" always make me feel you are the most ungrateful person ever on earth. We're Muslim, so cut it out. Stop your show-off attitude. Please, nobody like it. You? You are the person who always do badmouthing, not others. The others just say the truth about you. Just admit it and come clean with us.
Here, I'm not saying that I'm perfect or act like perfect, but as a human, this is my feelings towards you until today. I don't do anything wrong here isn't? I have my right to say what I feel.
Please, like what you said, nobody can change you. So, you yourself must change yourself before Allah take all the time that He gave you until now.
Honestly, I feel ashamed to have you as my friend. In addition your religious is same with me. Wew~ Grow up. If you're like this today, perhaps you will become worse and even worsen in the future. It is because, who we are today, is who we're in the future.
A concern friend.