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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Which one you want :D


What is single mean to me, to you and to all of us? Is it just because we free to do what we want, date with whom we like and just say it as a FREEDOM.

And what is FREEDOM to you?

For me, single make my life perfect although I can’t denied it that sometimes I feel lonely and alone because I don’t have a couple. But single is BETTER for me. I don’t have to scold my couple, I don’t have been jealous with her and anything that can make me hurt especially broken hearted.

What can I do in my single life? Lots of things. No one can control my movements, if I want to go here and there. Sometimes, when our couple controls our life make me feel annoyed.

Well, for the time being, I love being single and I always do. When the time has come, I will get married with the women that I love. Women! Not a girl.

HEHE. And how about all of you friends? Which one you preferred most? Single or have a couple?

Want to have a couple? So be like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. HAHA :D

Aren't they cute and romantic couple? They are and they sexy! Hehe :D

*I’m writing this post, I currently listening to James Blunt song – Your Beautiful. HAHA. Jiwang ;p

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