What would you feel when a women be as your leader?
Feel awkward? Uncomfortable?
Women usually want to be perfect. Either in their life and want to be a successful person.
But sometimes, when women are our leader in one organization, they tend to do it over the limit. They want the entire job done perfectly. They want the entire job done by them. Sometimes, they don’t want to listen to others.
Community members. What are community members?
What are the purposes of community members? Are they just being appointed just to sit and listen to the leader? Are they just elected just to say "yes" to the leader? I think this is what happening right now.
Round table?
Commitment from the members?
Or only the leader exists in the organization?
The entire thing that happen in the organization, they decided it without any discussion with the community members.
After all, when comes to the mistakes that done by themselves, they tend to point somebody else's.
I think this is funny. Very FUNNY. Typical Malaysian. They think inside the box. Never think outside the box. For me, I want what am I trying to do am for the best. Not perfect and not just for fun.
I accept advice from the others.
But can the leader accept that too?
They might think that what they did, what they have come with and what have they think is always right.
They are good. Really good. But, aren't they giving their best in their work?
Conducting a meeting. Yes. They surely can. But what is actually meeting conducted too?
Listen to the leader speech? Listen and do what the leader asks?
For me this is totally wrong.
Why must this leader conduct a meeting instead giving the memos?
Huh! I'm sick with this.
They just do their work and decide it by their own. Suppose all the information is to be shared. Not until it's printed out then we realize the mistakes and the leader pull their face off!
I don't want to take the consequences on what have you done today on the next day. I really don't want too.
Never mind. Just blame me. No need to thanks me. But, remember, one day you might think that I'm right. I'm doing this because of our own good. Not like the way you think. You want to make it easy but in wrong manners.
I don't want anything to happen. So, I ask somebody for her opinion. I don't want to make myself get into trouble. If you insist to do what you want, just state your name in it but not mine.
Remember. Think wisely. Ask for the advice for others.
Thanks. :)