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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life surely full with mystery.

What if...

one day you received a bad news that will change your life forever?

That you can only live for a short period

because that sickness is killing you slowly

for 2 years you have been battling for it

the doctor gave you medicine. But it will only slow it down.
not cure it

and every time you took that medicine
you feel nausea
you feel like hell

until one point, you had enough

you give up, you stop taking that medicine, and you just let that sickness claim your life

You have no more prospect in life
You have no plans for the future
You just wait for your time to come

the only thing that keeps you going is your work
you get yourself busy with work
because that's the only thing you can focus on

you get tired when your family always ask for your concern
until one point, you just want to move to somewhere else
you just want to live in peace

What if..

Someone special entered your life

who brings joy to your life

who love you unconditionally

who accepts you as you are
full of flaws
but still that person loves you deeply and wholeheartedly


you can't accept the love that that person want to give you

because you know, you will die soon

and it's unfair for that person to mourn for you

Day by day..

You keep on getting pressured

"Why can't you accept my love?"

You told that person:
"My life is unstable"
"I am too committed with my work"
"I have financial problems"

But it's just a minor thing
If you love someone so much, you keep those thing aside

Thus, that person questioned you all the time

"I can't understand why?"
"Are you just playing with me?"
"Do you take me for granted?"

Until one day,

both of you had a big fight

so you have no option

but to tell the truth

"I have brain tumour"

and tears starts to flow...

Life is full with mystery.
I will cry until I feel unable to cry anymore.

Perhaps I will stop crying when my eyes are close tightly.
That time, I just want you to remember me until the last breath.
I will miss you.

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